Our Services & Fees

  • Tier One

    You know what you want, when you want it, and how you want. This tier is for those who know all the details of their booking and would like like assistance with booking and to take advantage of perks available through my travel partners (i.e. cruise only, hotel only, flight only, etc.)


  • Tier Two

    You still know what you want, when you want it, and the details involved. This tier is for those that have multiple items that need to be booked and require assistance with coordination and possibly transportation.


    *includes 2 people, $25 extra per additional person

  • Tier Three

    You have an idea of what you want, just not sure how to make your vision a reality. This tier is for those who need assistance & guidance planning a trip from start to finish, including the research required to make all the details to our clients standards. This is a collaborative approach between us and the client that includes a custom itinerary.


    *includes 2 people, $50 for each additional person up to 5 total

  • Tier Four

    Just like tier three, except the travel plans include a group of 6 or more people.


    *includes up to 10 people, $50 for each additional person

    All bookings are subject to cancelation fees. Fees include: hotels, resorts, car rental, & domestic air $25 per person/service; international air $50 per person/service; entire trip cancelation $75 per person/week of travel.